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About Faces 4 Change


Faces 4 Change is a drug free community (DFC) and comprehensive addiction and recovery act (CARA) coalition.  The coalition is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) via two grant awards. 


In 2020, The Youth Popular Culture Institute, Inc. (YPCI) was awarded a 5 year US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), F4C Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Coalition grant for Harrisonburg, VA to implement evidence-based strategies for the prevention of marijuana and the non-medical use of use of prescription drugs among youth.


In 2021, YPCI received a Notice of Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) 5 year Award for F4C MethAmphetamine Prevention, or M.A.P., to assist in preventing methamphetamine use among youth aged 12-18 in Harrisonburg.

The F4C goal is to mobilize and continue the energy and engagement to secure resources for collaborations that will contribute to reducing and preventing youth substance use. Coalition Sector Members, Community Collaborators, and the F4C Team will spearhead this YOUTH LED AND ADULT GUIDED effort to be of service to children, youth and families in Harrisonburg. 




By statute, the DFC Support Program has two goals:

1) Establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, public and private non-profit agencies, as well as federal, state, local, and tribal governments to support the efforts of community coalitions working to prevent and reduce substance abuse among youth (individuals 18 years of age and younger).

2) Reduce substance abuse among youth and, over time, reduce substance abuse among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse.

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F4C coalition members retain their identity, but all agree to share resources and to work together toward a common goal of building a safe, healthy, and drug-free community.

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Our Collaborators & Sector Members

  • Schools

  • Senior Citizens

  • State/Local/Tribal Government

  • Substance Abuse Organizations

  • Youth

  • Youth Serving Organizations

  • And more! Join us!

  • Businesses

  • Civic/Volunteer Organizations

  • Colleges & Universities

  • Healthcare Professionals

  • Law Enforcement

  • Media

  • Parents

  • Religious/Fraternal Organizations

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About Youth Popular Culture Institute, Inc.

YPCI is a 501c3 organization with a long-standing history of working in Harrisonburg communities.  The 501c3 non-profit company is the fiscal agent for F4C, and its Chief Executive Officer and President, P. Thandi Hicks Harper, PhD, is the coalition’s Project Director and Principal Investigator. YPCI is composed of those who are committed to the intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social welfare of youth, families and communities that are most marginalized.

The company conducts and collects research worldwide on topics related to youth popular culture (ypc) (particularly Hip-Hop), health and education. YPCI conducts professional development training on social emotional learning (SEL) strategies, positive youth engagement and development, health prevention and youth culture; and continues to transform its research into applied technologies, special events, programs and marketable user-friendly products for audiences that work to successfully engage young people. Hip-Hop 2 Prevent Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS (H2P) is the company’s signature U.S. DHHS online/offline evidence-based curriculum - currently being implemented throughout the country ( ).

YPCI works to increase the ypc competence of youth stakeholders, and provides innovative ways to incorporate this awareness and knowledge for motivating young people to be intrinsically driven to succeed academically and to make healthy behavioral choices.


Let's collaborate to successfully engage youth.

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